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  • Complete Futuh Al-Ghoib
  • Complete Futuh Al-Ghoib
  • Complete Futuh Al-Ghoib
  • Complete Futuh Al-Ghoib
  • Complete Futuh Al-Ghoib
  • Complete Futuh Al-Ghoib
Description of Kitab Futuh Al-Ghoib Lengkap

FUTUH AL GHAIB (GREAT ENJOY) -Mutiara Abdul Qadir Jailani's work, -
Riwayat Hidup Ghauts Al-Azam Muhyiddin Sayid Abdul Qadir Jailani, qsa


Sayid Abu Muhammad Abdul Qadir was born in Naif, Jailan, Iraq, in the month of Ramadan 470 H, coinciding with th 1077 M. His father was named Shahih, a descendent of the descendants of Hadhrat Imam Hasan, ra, the first grandson of Rasulullah saw, the eldest son of Imam Ali ra Fatimah ra, beloved daughter of the Messenger. His mother was the daughter of a saint, Abdullah Saumai, who was also a descendant of Imam Husein, ra, the second son of Ali and Fatimah. Thus, Sayid Abdul Qadir is Hasani and Huseini.


Since childhood, he was silent, nerimo, sophisticated and often did better, what was called 'mystical experiences'. When he was eighteen, thirst for knowledge and excitement to be with the pious, brought him to Baghdad, which was then a center of science and civilization. Later, he was called the Ghauts Al-Azam or the greatest guardian of ghauts.

In the terminology of the Sufis, a ghauts occupy the spiritual and the second privilege of begging for God's forgiveness and blessings for humanity after the prophets. A great scholar of today, has classified it into Shaddiqin, as the Qur'an calls for such a person. This scholar based his view on the events that took place on the first journey of Sayyid Abdul Qadir to Baghdad.

It was narrated that ahead of his departure to Baghdad, his widowed mother had set up eighty pieces of gold worn on the inside of his coat, just under his armpits, as a stock. This money is a legacy of his late father, meant to face difficult times. When I was about to leave, the mother told me to do nothing in all situations. The child promised to always keep the message.

As soon as the train he arrived at Hamadan, a raid was a buggy. When scolded, the robbers did not pay much attention to it, because he seemed so simple and poor. It is coincidental that one robber asked him whether he had money or not. Remember his promise to the mother, the little boy Abdul Qadir immediately replied: "Yes, I have eighty pieces of gold sewn in my mother's shirt." Of course the robbers were surprised. They are surprised, there is this truthful man.

They brought him to their leader, then asked him, and the answer was the same. Once the stitching of Abdul Qadir's shirt was opened, he earned eighty pieces of gold as he stated. The robber's head was amazed. He tells us what happened between him and his mother at the time of departure, and added if he was lying, then it would not mean his attempt to gain religious knowledge.

Hearing this, the robbers cried, fell down at the foot of Abdul Qadir, and regretted all the sins he had committed. It was narrated that the head of this robber was his first disciple. This event shows the process of being Shiddiq. If he is incorrect, then that kind of courage for the sake of truth, in critical moments, is impossible for him.

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